Cape Cod Charter Boat Association Membership Application

Membership Application

Submit your membership application. Your application will be presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  The applicant must be present to have the application presented for a vote. If you are applying for a regular membership, a photocopy of your current captain’s license showing pages 4 & 5 and a check for the annual dues are due immediately after acceptance.

3 Membership Opportunities

  1. Regular Member: The Regular Membership in this Association shall be comprised of persons who are active in the operation of vessels carrying passengers for hire for sport fishing. These persons must be U.S. Coast Guard licensed.
  2. Retired Member: Members with a decade or more of active membership, who voluntarily relinquish their U.S.C.G. license or fail to renew due to a medical condition, can maintain full membership privileges.
  3. Associate Member: Associate Membership is granted to individuals who don’t meet the qualifications for active membership but are keen on promoting the association’s purposes. Associate members lack voting rights in managing the affairs, conduct, or property of the Association.

Contact Information

Membership Type / Boat Information

Thank you. Your completed membership application will be presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  Applicant must be present to have the application presented for a vote and a check for the annual dues is due immediately after acceptance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will help however we can.

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